BAWTA Code of Conduct
for Members' Dealings with Clients
Members of BAWTA undertake:
- To conduct their business in accordance with the
following minimum standards:
- Verbal estimates or quotations will be confirmed
in writing on request;
- Quotations will clearly state the period during which
they remain valid;
- Quotations will clearly state whether the prices
therein are based on reservations held by the member
or are subject to availability at the time of the client's
further instructions;
- A written confirmation will be issued within 21 days
of a client's acceptance of a quotation. Confirmations
will clearly state, in full detail, what a member has
arranged on behalf of the client and the price to be
paid by the client for those arrangements.
- Quotations and confirmations will clearly state
whether the prices are
- guaranteed against alterations
due to currency fluctuations
- subject to alteration as
a consequence of future exchange
rate fluctuations. If prices
are subject to alteration the
date of, or the exchange rates
used in, their initial calculation
and the method and date of
their eventual finalisation
will be clearly stated;
- Confirmation documents will state the names of all
hotels to be used during tours, except that single
night reservations for en route stops may remain unconfirmed
for a maximum of one month after the issue of the first
confirmation, or a longer period by agreement with
the client. No documents which purport to be confirmations
but which do not name the main hotels booked will be
issued, unless by prior arrangement with the client;
- Once a tour has been confirmed, changes will not
be made to the arrangements unless as a result of
circumstances beyond the member's control. Such circumstances
be fully explained to the client in writing without
delay and, after due consultation, alternative arrangements
which are acceptable to the client will be made;
- Full Terms of Business or Booking Conditions will
be readily obtainable from members and will accompany
all confirmations. Such Terms or Conditions will
clearly state the member's requirements and policies
with regards
- Payments
- Price changes
- Cancellations
- Liability
- To make all possible efforts to enable their clients to
comply with the Package Travel Regulations Directory 2015;
- To act in a professional fashion at all times and in all
- To accept the decision of a disciplinary sub-committee
formed from the Association's membership if any complaint
regarding their conduct made to the Association and considered
by such a committee is upheld. If three complaints against
them are upheld, members are automatically and publicly
expelled from the Association.